Five facts and fables about fruit and vegetables

Five facts and fables about fruit and vegetables
Posted in: Facts

Five facts and fables about fruit and vegetables

Dear CleanFoodslovers,

How much do you know about fruit and vegetables? We have listed five statements about losing weight. Is this true or false? That is the question.


1.The cherries kernels can be eaten in a salad, for example

Myth. This is not possible! The seeds are poisonous, they contain the poison cyanide. This also applies to the kernel of apricot, peach, plum and nectarine.


2. You can eat the skin of a kiwi.

Fact. Like an apple and pear, you can eat the kiwi with skin! It is useful to wash the kiwi first.


3. It is better to choose fruit juice than soft drinks.

Fact and Fable at the same time. A homemade fruit juice is healthier than soft drinks, because it contains (more) vitamins. But on the other hand, they both contain about the same amount of calories. A glass of cola contains about 105 kcal and a glass of orange juice 103 kcal. This hardly differs.

If you want to quench your thirst, you better choose a few glasses of water. You could also supplement fruit juice by half with water.

By the way, did you know that a pepper contains more vitamin C than an orange? An orange contains about 60mg of vitamin C per 100 grams. A (red) bell pepper contains about 190mg of vitamin C per 100 grams.


4.Avocado is a thickener.

Myth. It is true that an avocado contains relatively many calories, namely about 360 kcal. But this does not mean that an avocado is a fat maker. When trying to lose weight, it is always important to watch your total calorie intake so that you don't exceed your energy needs. This fruit is very healthy and contains a lot of healthy fats and vitamins.

You can also store half an avocado in the fridge. It is useful to leave the stone in the avocado half. You can also cover the avocado with, for example, a silicone cover.


5. Tomato is a fruit

Fact and fable at the same time. From a botanical point of view, a tomato is a fruit, because it is the fruit of a tomato plant. On the other hand, the tomato is a vegetable in horticultural terms, because fruits normally grow on a woody plant. The tomato belongs more to a herbaceous plant, which makes it a vegetable. Also during cooking and eating we often consider the tomato as a vegetable.

Whether it is a vegetable or a fruit depends on what definition you use for fruit and vegetables! Funny right?



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I wish you a loving day.

Love Fleur

3 July 2020