Three striking waste facts you really want to know

Three striking waste facts you really want to know
Posted in: Facts Lifestyle

Three striking waste facts you really want to know

Dear CleanFoodslovers,

We have listed three striking and interesting facts about losing weight for you. How many did you know already?


1. Cooking yourself = losing weight?

We now know that cooking with fresh ingredients is healthier compared to ready-made meals. But why exactly?

Ready meals are high in saturated fat and salt and at the same time low in vegetables and fiber. In addition, the portion is always 1 size and will not meet everyone's needs. When you cook yourself you can determine the ingredients and portion yourself.


2.Lose weight with mindfulness?

Take the time for your meals and focus on what you eat. You will enjoy more and be satisfied more quickly.

Glucomannan in our products also helps with your saturation. You will be less likely to snack, this will help you lose weight.


3.small bites = better weight?

Smaller bites and good chewing are good for you. Your brain gets to process more taste stimuli and you feel fuller. That can save a total of 25%! Smaller plates and smaller cutlery also help.

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I wonder what you have learned today! Are there things you want to apply?

Let me know! I like that! #SLIM

Love Fleur

19 June 2020