Vegetarian Red Curry Noodles with our RawNoodles

Vegetarian Red Curry Noodles with our RawNoodles
Posted in: Recipes

Vegetarian Red Curry Noodles with our RawNoodles

Dear CleanFoodies,

In recent weeks we have shared many sweet recipes, so today we have a savory recipe for you in collaboration with Yourmealplanners. You can find them on instagram.

This week's recipe in a delicious Red Curry with our RawNoodels. This recipe is packed with vegetables, fiber and protein. A delicious healthy end of the week!


Ingredients (2-3 persons)

  • 1 block of tofu
  • 250 gr chestnut mushrooms
  • 4 carrots
  • 1 zucchini
  • 150 gr sugar snaps
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2-3 eggs
  • red curry paste
  • 200 ml of coconut milk
  • 1 pack of RawNoodles
  • possibly black sesame seeds and lime


Preparation method:

  1. Drain the tofu and cut into two equal slices. Wrap this in a tea towel. Make sure to place the tofu between two heavier objects afterwards. For example, between two baking trays with books on them. Let the tofu rest for at least an hour. When the moisture is well out of the tofu, cut it into cubes.
  2. Clean the vegetables and cut the mushrooms and carrots into slices and the zucchini into pieces. Remove the tops from the sugar snaps.
  3. Cook the eggs medium hard for about 6 minutes.
  4. Heat a dash of olive oil in a frying pan or wok and squeeze the garlic on top. Bake approx. 1 minute before adding the red curry paste. Mix well.
  5. Then add the carrots, zucchini and mushrooms. Bake for about 5 minutes until everything starts to soften. Add a small splash of water if necessary.
  6. Now add the sugar snaps. Bake for about 2 minutes. Then you add the coconut milk. Let it simmer for about 10 minutes. If your sauce becomes too thick, add a small splash of water.
  7. Rinse the RawNoodles under the cold tap in a colander. Bake for 5 minutes in a second frying pan.
  8. Put a third frying pan on the stove for the tofu. You fry this for about 5 minutes in a warm frying pan. Preferably in coconut oil. After 5 minutes they become light brown and crunchy because all the moisture is well removed from the tofu.
  9. Spoon the noodles into the curry sauce and serve with the boiled egg and tofu. Garnish with black sesame seeds and a slice of lime, if desired.


Have fun cooking and eating!

Love Fleur

2 August 2020