Self Love Tips

Self Love Tips
Posted in: Facts Lifestyle

Self Love Tips

February is the unofficial month of love but that doesn’t mean you have to have a partner to feel and get love. Many people forget how powerful and essential self-love is but we are here to remind you! Self love allows you to be good to yourself and prioritize your own needs before sacrificing your own happiness to please others. 

You are the only “you” in the world, and that is your power!

Many people don’t see how essential this is to their mental health and once you start loving yourself you will notice the love being returned only grows! Use these self love tips to grow the love you have for yourself and to make yourself the number 1 priority in your life!


10 Self Love Tips

  1. Start everyday by telling yourself something positive about yourself. This can be anything! Ex. I have amazing lips, I am a great listener.
  2. End toxic relationships. If a relationship with a friend or family member is not serving you or making positive impacts in your life you have every right to end it.
  3. Embrace the things that make you different. We are in a world where differences are something thought of as problems but this is not true. The things that make you different from people are the things that make you special. 
  4. Fuel your body with food and drinks that make you feel and look your best.
  5. Celebrate even the smallest things. Giving yourself positive affirmation for small achievements or goals is the best way to motivate yourself to do more.
  6. Move your body and love the way it moves! Fall in love with how your body is different and how it fuels and gives you life. Hating yourself is not going to do anything for yourself. 
  7. Take 15 minutes of time each day for yourself. Take time to completely focus on yourself and your thoughts, think what do I want, what do I need. It is time to be a little selfish.
  8. Be patient. Self love won’t happen overnight so be patient with your mind as you are with your body.
  9. Find something to be grateful for everyday. Every morning or night write down one thing you are grateful for to improve your outlook on how amazing you and your life are.
  10. Have forgiveness. Are you constantly thinking about that one thing you did that consumes your thoughts? Let go! You cannot change the past, but you can look towards the future and make better choices there.




2 February 2021