5 Best Foods to Speed up your Metabolism

5 Best Foods to Speed up your Metabolism
Posted in: Recipes

5 Best Foods to Speed up your Metabolism

Are you looking for the best foods to give your metabolism that extra kick it needs to help with weight loss? Then keep reading. It has been found that certain foods can speed up or slow down your metabolism - which could, in turn, affect your weight loss! 

However, there are many other factors that go into weight loss and you will not lose weight just by eating certain foods. If you pair these foods with an active lifestyle and consistent healthy habits, weight loss should be easy! By eating these foods you may be able to rev up your metabolism and kick stick a faster metabolism.


5 Best Foods to Speed up Your Metabolism



Avocados are a superfood that everyone should add more of to their diet. There are two ways in which avocados can help speed up your metabolism and help you lose weight. One, they are full of healthy fats which may make you feel fuller for longer and keep you from snacking and consuming unneeded calories. Two, they have anti-inflammatory properties which may affect your metabolism! 


Chilli Peppers

Spicy foods are one of the most famous things that have been proven to speed up your metabolism. The capsaicin that is present in chilli peppers and other hot foods is what has been studied to help speed up people’s metabolisms, which can also help with weight loss. 


Black Beans

Black beans are packed with protein and are a great source of nutrients that also help to speed up metabolism. The protein in the beans will keep you fuller longer plus they are packed with fibre which makes you feel full quicker than other foods. 



Tempeh is full of protein and healthy fats. It also contains probiotics - where some studies have shown that people who take probiotic supplements may lose weight. The combination of protein, fats, and probiotics when running together can lead to weight loss.



Eggs are packed with protein and low in calories! Eating two eggs for breakfast will keep you full longer than if you were to eat a low protein food. They also have a lot of vitamin B which has been proven to help weight loss. 




20 April 2021