Vegan Avocado and Egg on Toast

Vegan Avocado and Egg on Toast
Posted in: Recipes

Vegan Avocado and Egg on Toast

This recipe is a great vegan alternative to the classic avocado and egg-on-toast dish. It's packed with healthy fats from avocado and flavorful spices like turmeric and smoked paprika. The vegan egg substitute adds a nice protein boost, making this dish a satisfying and filling breakfast or brunch option.

Vegan Avocado and Egg on Toast Recipe



  1. Prepare the SlimBread according to the instructions. Then toast until crispy.
  2. In a small bowl mash the avocado with a fork and mix in the lemon juice, salt and pepper.
  3. In a small bowl add 50g of vegan egg mix with 180ml water. Stir to combine.
  4. In a small pan over medium heat, heat the olive oil.
  5. In the pan add the turmeric and smoked paprika and combine.
  6. Add the vegan egg to the skillet and cook.
  7. While the egg cooks spread the avocado over the bread slices.
  8. Once the egg is cooked remove it from the skillet and place it ontop of the toasted bread slices. 
  9. Serve and enjoy!



25 May 2023