Update # 3 Vegetable Challenge !!

Update # 3 Vegetable Challenge !!
Posted in: News Lifestyle

Update # 3 Vegetable Challenge !!

Dear CleanFoodies,

How are you? Have you had a hard time in the past 21 days or was it not so bad? Are you completely done with all those vegetables or are you completely ready to make this challenge your lifestyle? Did you miss update # 1 or update # 2? Read it here!


I have to admit that I forgot to eat vegetables a few times, at times when you don't think about it. I then quickly ate some raw food, to make it a kind of "good". Have you had this too? You know, this is not a problem, because think about all the times that you have eaten vegetables!

What we have experimented with in recent weeks is the "hiding" of vegetables. We have tried to be more creative with vegetables. This allows you to thoughtlessly add vegetables when baking a cake.

Did you know that you can easily add grated zucchini or carrot to a baking? A pumpkin pie is certainly not a punishment haha. We also made savory muffins. These are really delicious! Do you want the recipe? Then click here.


How do you look back on this challenge? Did you find it disappointing or not? Are you going to apply certain habits?

We certainly take things from this Vegetable Challenge. For example, it takes little effort to eat a handful of cherry tomatoes or to add a few cubes of frozen spinach to the pancakes.

Every time we eat vegetables, we feel better and we know it is healthy for our body. This is so delicious! Doesn't that make you positive?


Do you know a nice Challenge? Who knows, we might do another challenge!


We wish you a healthy week!

Love Fleur

15 July 2020