Seven incredible reasons to eat (more) vegetable

Seven incredible reasons to eat (more) vegetable
Posted in: Facts Lifestyle

Seven incredible reasons to eat (more) vegetable

Dear CleanFoodies,

Why would you eat (more) vegetable? Actually, we can answer this very easily: this is better for your health, the animals and the environment. In this article you can read five reasons why you would like to eat (more) vegetable.

If you are not yet fully familiar with the term “veganism”, read this article first.


1.Proteins in plants ?!

You can get proteins well from vegetable sources. Proteins are important for the cell development in your muscles, among other things. If you want to eat more plant-based, it is important to pay attention to your protein intake, among other things. You can get proteins from (whole grain) grain products, nuts (pasta), seeds, legumes and tofu / tempeh. It is good to make sure that you get all kinds of proteins. By eating the combination of grains and legumes, you will (most likely) get enough protein variation.

Did you know that our Protein Pasta also contains a lot of proteins? Namely 43% from the vegetable source: organic black beans.


2.Save 15,000 liters of water now!

Did you know that animal products need a remarkable amount of water to produce? Approximately 15,000 liters are required for 1 kilogram of beef. This is equivalent to flushing the toilet 2678 times (which is roughly equivalent to 15 months) or showering for 25 hours !!

This is a reason for us to eat less meat, and for you?


3. Plant-based eating is getting easier

A (more) vegetable lifestyle is getting easier. As you know, it is important to get enough protein, iron, vitamins B1 and B12, among other things, when you eat (more) vegetable. We used to have to make bean burgers ourselves, but nowadays this is easy with ready-made meat substitutes.

You can easily combine meat substitutes with our products, such as a bean burger on our SlimBread or vegan chicken pieces with our RawPastas. We spontaneously get hungry!


4. Do you read the packaging?

An easy substitute for meat is the meat substitute. There are a lot of meat substitutes on the market and this amount is increasing enormously, which is a very good sign! Have you ever looked at the packaging?

It is important to pay attention to the amount of protein and salt. Especially in the latter you can be quite mistaken. Just like in ready-made products, a lot of salt is often added. What you can do? Read the packaging!


5. Do we eat nature ?!

Did you know that about two thirds of all agricultural land in the world has grazing animals on the meadows or cultivation for animal feed? Unfortunately, rainforest is used for this space. For example, millions of acres of rainforests have been felled in South America. 80% of deforestation in the Amazon is said to be livestock farmers, according to the World Resources Institute. What is going on in your head?


6.Iron in plants ?!

Iron is important for, among other things, the production of red blood cells. Iron can be obtained from animal, but also from vegetable products. Iron can be found in (leaf) vegetables, whole grain cereals, legumes, cashew nuts, seitan and potatoes. What helps to absorb iron better is to eat fruit and vegetables with meals, because it contains vitamin C. So you can get good iron in a (more) plant-based diet.

7. As healthy as a plant?

When you eat more vegetable, you get a lot of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Several studies show that these components in our food are less likely to develop chronic diseases such as (some types of) cancer. In addition, vegetarians generally live healthier: they drink less alcohol, smoke less, exercise more and less overweight.


8. Do I need extra Vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12 occurs naturally in animal products and is important for, among other things, the production of red blood cells and the proper functioning of your nervous system. When you eat little or no animal products, it is important to keep an eye on whether you are getting enough vitamin B12. You can get extra vitamin B12 by eating / drinking products enriched with vitamin B12 or taking Vitamin B12 pills.

Did you know that we also sell that? Take a quick look in our webshop!


We wish you a very nice day!

Love Fleur

26 June 2020