How do I keep my motivation ?! 2/2
Good morning dear CleanFoodslovers,
In our previous post“Hoe behoud ik mijn motivatie?!"have you read how to set the best goals, today you can read more how to maintain your motivation and celebrate the victories!
Do you have dit artikel have not read yet? Then we recommend to dezeread first.
6. Motivation through recognisability
An experiment by American psychologists Greg Walton and Geoffrey Cohen shows that we become motivated when we hear stories in which we recognize ourselves.
Look for people and stories in which you recognize yourself and see how they got the best out of themselves. This helps you achieve your good resolution!
7. Celebrate victories!
Have you achieved (part of) your intention (s) ?! Celebrate this! Achieving a first step is a step! You can be proud of yourself!
Treat yourself to something you've been looking forward to for a while, but won't get in the way of (the rest of) your goal. For example, go away for a day or walk around the forest or on the beach.
What can help with this is for example making a “weight loss tracker”, to help you with this, we have made a downloadable version! Here you can write down your final goal, intermediate goals and your victories.
By writing down what you have achieved, you will be able to maintain your motivation better!
Download it quickly below!
8. Motivation and rest
When you are rested you will stay motivated more easily. Get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and take time for yourself.
Go outside and enjoy the energy you get from the sun.
9. Motivation and fun
Achieving your intention will become easier when you can share it occasionally. It is important to share your setbacks and good points with a friend.
Motivate and inspire each other and enjoy sports together! This is fun and motivating!
10. Hold motivation
You are doing well! You can say that to yourself! Achieving a goal is not always quick and easy. Often there are (small) setbacks, but this does not matter!
You know why you made this intention and why you want it. Don't let anything or anyone fool you! Do you take a walk once a week? Super! Keep this up!
I'm proud of you! And you can be this on yourself too!
I wish you a loving day!
Love Fleur