Beginner Home Workout with Fitness Bands and Weights - Full body
Dear CleanFoodies,
It is time for our second at home workout! Did you miss the first one? Check it out quickly here.
You should know Winnie from @winwinfood_ by now. As a guest writer she also wrote this nice article. Today you will also meet her husband Yannick. Yannick can already be seen on Winnie's Instagram in her posts and in her stories.
Yannick is a physiotherapist, Orthopedic Movementologist and (medical) fitness instructor. That is why we asked him to make this great workout. Below you can see a varied workout made by Yannick, in the videos you can see Winnie doing the workouts.
In this circuit they use a fitness elastic, also called a resistance band or dynaband. This is available in different resistances. Use the band that suits your experience. In addition, you use weights during this workout, if you do not have weights at home, you can also fill bottles with water.
Today we are going to do 5 combined exercises, this is also called a superset. You will do 5x super sets (2 exercises) without rest in between.
- "Lying hamstring curl" & "The dead row"
- Superset air squat & Chest press
- Straight pull down & Hip thrust
- Face pull & Front raise
- Arnold press
Warming up
To warm up our body, we start with 10 air squats at a slow pace (2 count down - hold 1 count up - 2 count up), 10 lunge squats per leg at the same pace, 10 low rows with the dynaband you will be using before the workout and finish with 20 jumpings jacks or 10 burpees. Repeat this 2 times with minimal pause.
12x “Lying hamstring curl” en “The dead row”
We start with the “Lying hamstring curl”. Attach an elastic to something low, for example a table leg. You lie on your stomach and your foot goes from the stretched position to the buttock. You tighten your hamstrings and slowly lower your leg. You provide more tension on the hamstring when your leg is just not straight. It is important that you bring your foot towards the buttock as much as possible and try to hold it for 1 second. In this exercise you train your hamstring, which is the back of your thighs. Repeat this exercise 12 times and then repeat with your other leg.
Also watch this video.
After this we continue with “The dead row”, this is a combined “Deadlift” with a “Bent over row”. You start with a deadlift, you do this with a resistance band. Your hands rise as close to your knees as possible, placing your hands just next to the outside of your knees, then slowly lowering them back a little further than your knees. For more tension on the back muscles, do not fully extend the arms. Make sure you do the exercise with a straight back, by pulling in the navel and making the abdomen hard. After this you pull the elastic with both hands, so that your elbows go back / up. Make sure that the elbows rise just along the side. With this exercise you train your upper back and the front of the upper arms. It is important that you keep your back straight during this entire exercise. You do this exercise a total of 12 times.
Also watch this video.
12x “Air squat” & “Chest press”
In this exercise do the superset air squat and the chest press, where you immediately perform the chest press after the squat without rest, making a pulse. With a pulse you go up and down in the squat position, watch the video for this. By doing this exercise with a pulse you create extra tension on the thighs, without using weights. After this pulse you go up again and finish the squat. When the air squat is too light with 1 pulse, you can make the exercise heavier by making several pulses. It is important for the air squat that you are slightly wider than hip width, you can do this by taking a foot length in width and slightly increasing it, turning your heel out and adjusting it with your toes (see video).
Also watch this video.
With the “Chest” press you lie on the elastic, placing your elbows slightly under your shoulders. When using the dynaband, fold it in half and lie on it with your back, make sure that the elastic is in the middle so that you have the same amount of elastic on both sides. Grasp the dynaband and extend your arms straight up above the chest. Your hands should be roughly at the armpit fold with your elbows slightly below shoulder height. When returning the dynaband, just tap the ground with the back of your upper arms and immediately stretch your arms up again. If you do not have an elastic, you can also use weights or bottles filled with water. You do this exercise a total of 12 times.
Also watch this video.
12x “Straight pull down” & “Hip thrust”
For this exercise, you attach an elastic to something high. During this exercise you stand with your legs slightly bent and you lower your extended arms towards your thighs. Emphasize the back and arm muscles by keeping your legs still and slightly bent and moving the elastic to the thighs only with stretched arms. Make sure that the elastic is fully tensioned. You could make it heavier by having more tension on the elastic at the beginning. Make sure to keep your back straight and your arms all the way up. This will bring them to your ears. This exercise is for your back muscles, also emphasizing the muscles in your arm and shoulder muscles. You do this exercise a total of 12 times.
Also watch this video.
With the “Hip thrust” you bring your feet hip-width apart and lean your shoulders on a bench. Your knees will always remain in line with your ankles during this exercise. Lower down through the hips, keeping the knees above the ankles during the exercise instead of lowering the knees. Ensure your buttocks is just above the ground and you bring it up again. When you are at the highest point, hold this position for a while and tighten your buttocks. With this exercise you train your glutes. Important in this exercise is that you tighten your core well in advance and keep the back straight during the exercise. As a result, the buttocks will never touch the ground. You do this exercise a total of 12 times.
Also watch this video.
12x “Face pull” & “Front raise”
For this exercise, tie an elastic at about hip height and sit on the floor. You pull your arms with the elastic towards your face. Bring your elbows out as far as possible at about shoulder height and keep the tension high in the back. With this exercise you train your arms and upper back. To also train your abs during this exercise, you can keep your feet off the ground. It is important to keep your back straight during this exercise. You do this exercise a total of 12 times.
Also watch this video.
After the “Face pull” we continue with the “Front raise”. For this you stand on an elastic at hip width. You bring your arms out fully extended until you have reached about shoulder height. Then slowly lower your arms back down again. Keep your arms in front of your thighs and keep the most tension on your shoulder muscles. It is important to keep your back straight and try to keep the shoulders actively back during this exercise. You do this exercise a total of 12 times.
Also watch this video.
12x “Arnold press”
The Arnold press is a combination of different exercises. With the Arnold press, you bring the arms bent in front of your head, with your palms facing the face, so that your upper arms are at shoulder height and your elbows are at a 90 degree angle. You bring your arms out and make a press up from there. You raise your arms until they are straight. After this, the arms slowly return to shoulder height, after which they are brought back to the position for your head. Watch the video for this. This exercise is for the shoulder muscles. It is important that you keep your muscles tensed throughout this exercise, even if you bring your elbows together. It is also important that you keep your arms at shoulder height. You can make this exercise heavier with weights. You do this exercise a total of 12 times.
Also watch this video.
Depending on how long and hard you want to train, you can do the reps in two ways:
- After five supersets of two exercises, rest for 1.5 to 3 minutes after this round, depending on how hard you found it. After this you do two more rounds. This gives you a total of 3 rounds.
- You repeat every exercise. For example three rounds of "Lying Hamstring Curl" and then you do three rounds of "Dead Rows", here you can also handle the heavier the exercise the longer you rest with a max rest of 90 sec.
Cooling down
As a cool down you can do stretching exercises for the muscles that have just been trained. Take at least 7 minutes for this. You stretch the muscles in sets of 3x 30 seconds per muscle group. Where you stretch the muscle in question to the maximum.
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We wish you a loving and sporty day.
Love Fleur