5 low-carbohydrate breakfasts (in 1 minute!)

5 low-carbohydrate breakfasts (in 1 minute!)
Posted in: Recipes

5 low-carbohydrate breakfasts (in 1 minute!)

Good morning CleanFoodies,

What do you do first when you wake up? Do you immediately put on your bathrobe and then go to make your breakfast? Or do you wake up groggy and wanting to jump back into bed?

We love breakfast, but we don't have much time. That is why we have 5 recipes for you that you can make in no time. This way you can easily make a delicious and nutritious breakfast without spending a lot of time in the kitchen. 

But what is a low-carb breakfast? The basis of a low-carbohydrate breakfast consists of proteins and fats. These give you a full and saturated feeling, they are also important for building cells in the body and giving energy. It is important to choose healthy unsaturated fats.


You can get proteins from vegetable and animal origins, namely:

  • vegetable: legumes, cereals, seeds, nuts and tofu / tempé
  • animal: egg, meat, fish and milk products

You can get unsaturated fats from oily fish, avocado, seeds, nuts, and vegetable oils.


Recipe 1: Breakfast smoothie (2 servings)

The handy thing about a smoothie is that you don't have to cut the fruit into small pieces, because the mixer does this for you. You can prepare a smoothie bowl in the morning, but to save time you can prepare or prepare the smoothie the night before. You can also make 2 servings in the morning so that you have a ready-made smoothie ready the next morning.


  • 50 ml (vegetable) milk or yogurt
  • 2 scoops SlimPulver
  • 1 hand spinach
  • 1 banana
  • 50g frozen fruit (such as mango, raspberries, blueberries)
  • 0.5 avocado
  • cinnamon to taste
  • possibly. seeds (such as chia seed, linseed, hemp seed)

Method of preparation :

  1. Put the ingredients in a blender.
  2. Blend to create an even mass.


Recipe 2: SlimBread with cottage cheese, avocado and tomato (2 servings)


  • 2 SlimBread (baked)
  • 50 gr cottage cheese or feta
  • 0.5 avocado
  • 1 tomato
  • black pepper
  • possibly. nuts (such as almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts)


Method of preparation :

  1. Slice the baked SlimBread.
  2. Divide the cottage cheese or feta over the slices.
  3. Slice the vegetables and spread over the cottage cheese.
  4. Serve the rolls with black pepper to taste and possibly nuts.


Recipe 3: Yogurt with fruit and nuts (2 servings)



  • 1 piece of fruit (of your choice)
  • 400 gr (low fat) curd cheese or yogurt
  • 30 g nuts (your choice)
  • 20 gr seeds (your choice)
  • cinnamon, SlimChoco or fresh mint
  • possibly. Almost SkinnySauce (of your choice)

Method of preparation :

  1. Cut the fruit into pieces and divide this over the dishes together with the curd or yogurt.
  2. Divide the nuts and seeds among the dishes.
  3. Serve the yogurt with cinnamon, SlimChoco or fresh mint to taste.
  4. Optionally add Almost SkinnySauce (your choice).


Recipe 4: SlimBread with egg and salmon (2 servings)


  • 2 SlimBread (baked)
  • egg (boiled)
  • 2 slices of smoked salmon
  • black pepper
  • possibly. avocado


Method of preparation :

  1. Slice the baked SlimBread.
  2. Cut the egg into slices and divide this with the salmon over the SlimBread slices.
  3. Serve with black pepper to taste and optional avocado slices


Recipe 5: Green smoothie (2 servings)

This smoothie is called “green”, because the main ingredient is vegetables. You can add all kinds of raw vegetables in this smoothie. You can vary wonderfully. If you use beetroot, you can also call this smoothie pink smoothie haha.

Unfortunately, you break healthy dietary fibers during blending, so we add the fiber Glucomannan. This also keeps you full longer!

You can also prepare this smoothie the night before.



  • 50 ml (vegetable) milk
  • 2 scoops SlimPulver
  • 0.5 cucumber
  • 3 stalks of celery
  • 0.5 avocado
  • small hand fresh mint
  • 50 gr fruit (of your choice)

Method of preparation :

  1. Put the milk, SlimPulver and cucumber in the blender and blend until an even mass is created.
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Blend this again until an even mass is created.


What will you eat for breakfast tomorrow? You can now get started with these five healthy low-carbohydrate recipes.

Are you proud of your result? Then take a picture of this and post it on social media. You can tag us with the mention @ CleanFoods.nl


I wish you a great day!

Love Fleur

30 June 2020