5 Foods to AVOID Before Wearing a Bikini

5 Foods to AVOID Before Wearing a Bikini
Posted in: Lifestyle

5 Foods to AVOID Before Wearing a Bikini

There is nothing worse than eating a meal before wearing a bikini and feeling bloated and uncomfortable in your skin. Some foods will make you feel more bloated than others and avoiding these foods before wearing your bikini is a must. Here are some foods you should avoid before heading to the beach to prevent bloating to look and feel your best.

Foods to Avoid Before Wearing a Bikini

Soda or Carbonated Drinks

Drinks with bubbles will make you bloated. Substitute a carbonated drink with flat water or a bloat-reducing tea like ginger tea.


Sushi is a great low-calorie food option and a popular beach dish. But it can make you pretty bloated if you opt for rolls that are deep-fried or have lots of toppings. Stick with simple rolls with few ingredients if you really want sushi.

Salty Foods

Foods with lots of salt will make you bloated all day. Things like pretzels, chips, and other salt filled foods will leave your body with an excess of salt. Stay away from salt and if you must eat it then eat a banana or other potassium-filled food after as potassium helps flush the system of salt.

White Flour Pasta

Pasta is never a good idea for a beach day. It is bloating and will have you feeling weighed down for hours! If you must, opt for whole grain pasta.


Gum puts an excess amount of air in your stomach which will make you bloated. To keep your mouth fresh opt for a mint instead.



3 August 2021