30 Day Summer Body Challenge
Summer is almost here and that means bikinis and beaches! With this time fast approaching getting your body in shape so you can look and feel your best is more important than ever. Our challenge combines a healthy diet with fitness to make getting in shape simpler than ever!
At CleanFoods, we think the perfect summer body is the one you have right now. But, moving your body and trying new health challenges is a fun way to test your health and tone up along the way!
This 30 day summer body challenge combines healthy eating habits and working out to make it the ultimate challenge to push yourself before the summer. Before starting any challenge it is important to note that your health is more important than anything else. If you find weight loss and fitness challenges triggering it is best to continue living a healthy lifestyle without a dramatic challenge. Also before starting any challenge relating to fitness and diet, it is best to consult your doctor.
And with that here is our 30-day summer body challenge! We cannot wait to see your results!
30 Day Summer Body Challenge
The Rules:
- No alcohol.
- No dairy.
- No fast food.
- Drink only water.
- No added sugars.
- No scales. Weigh yourself at the beginning of the challenge and the very end if you must. However, we want you to focus on the visual results and not the number on a scale.
Day 1: Upper body workout
Day 2: 45-minute run/walk outside.
Day 3: Rest.
Day 4: Abs workout
Day 5: Do a fun active workout. Example. Tennis, surfing, swimming, biking.
Day 6: Legs workout.
Day 7: Rest.
Day 8: Upper body workout.
Day 9: 1 hour run/walk.
Day 10: Abs workout.
Day 11: Try something new! Go for a hike somewhere new, ask a friend to play squash, etc.
Day 12: Rest.
Day 13: 1 hour yoga.
Day 14: Full body HIIT workout.
Day 15: Do a fun active workout. Example. Tennis, surfing, swimming, biking.
Day 16: Abs workout.
Day 17: Rest.
Day 18: Go for two 1 hour runs/walks.
Day 19: Abs and legs workout.
Day 20: 1-hour yoga.
Day 21: Rest.
Day 22: Try something new! Go for a hike somewhere new, ask a friend to play squash, etc.
Day 23: Upper body and lower body workout.
Day 24: Full body HIIT workout.
Day 25: Go for two 1 hour runs/walks.
Day 26: Rest.
Day 27: Do a fun active workout. Example. Tennis, surfing, swimming, biking.
Day 28: 1 hour yoga.
Day 29: Full body workout: abs, arms, legs.
Day 30: Do your favourite form of exercise for 1.5 hours!
You can find guided workout videos for all these types of training: abs, arms, legs on youtube!